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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is a good anime character to draw for a beginner?

Question:What is a good anime character to draw for a beginner. Please include a link to a picture if it is possible.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What is a good anime character to draw for a beginner. Please include a link to a picture if it is possible.

Well, for a beginner, they're all going to be hard, BUT you should avoid any type of shoujo (girls) manga where they draw out many of the strands or hair, eyes with many eyelashes, and such. Try shounen (boys) manga like Naruto or where there are much simpler lines. But here's a site to go to. It's You'll find a whole bunch of anime and you can decide for yourself which will be easier for you to draw. But I hardly think Shin Chan is what you want to draw.....

Well, a good character to start with would be one your motivated to draw or that you find pretty - a little tip - first start drawing their heads only... bodies & clothing are more complicated and its easier to just start simple. I'd suggest maybe naruto characters - they're easy to find on the internet! Good Luck!