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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Where can I get a poster made of the Ides of March, and the last supper?

Question:The Ides of March by Vincenzo Camuccini, and The Last Supper by Leornardo DiVinci.

I am Directing a scene for my 16mm project, where the protagonist gets betrayed by his confidant.

I would like to get posters of these paintings made and framed for my set, for symbolic purposes. I think I can get one of the Last Supper, but the Ides of March I'm not so sure.

Is there a place where I can go, and have them make a poster off a google image, like office depot or something.

I've tried some poster sites but I can only find The Last Supper.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The Ides of March by Vincenzo Camuccini, and The Last Supper by Leornardo DiVinci.

I am Directing a scene for my 16mm project, where the protagonist gets betrayed by his confidant.

I would like to get posters of these paintings made and framed for my set, for symbolic purposes. I think I can get one of the Last Supper, but the Ides of March I'm not so sure.

Is there a place where I can go, and have them make a poster off a google image, like office depot or something.

I've tried some poster sites but I can only find The Last Supper.

You will never get a printable image on line, period. Especially for a poster. You could check those odd things with all the pages that we all forgot existed. Yeah books, almost forgot myself.