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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What color is black??

Question:Just wondering!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Just wondering!

The black is just like your asshole

Black isn't a color, it is a shade.

in the additive color mode (RGB, visible light), it is an absense of light.
in a subtractive color mode(CMYK, print), it is all colors printed over white.

forget all those smartass explanations, black is black.

On this planet within these conditions black is black.

It is the absence of all colour ... in other words, all the colours of the visible light spectrum are absorbed by the object and thus, since no light is reflected, the eye perceives the resulting colour as black. White is just the opposite. It reflects all visible light, so appears white

In photography, black is just a dark shade of gray. In painting, black is a mixture of all other colors. In space, black is the absence of any color.

black is an interestingly intransigent entity. it hates light just like a mutilated sewer mutant. What? where did that come from? i seriously think i need meds. give me a thumbs up if you think i need meds. give me a thumbs down if you need meds. that should be fun. lets see how many crazy *** thumb people there are. hurray, i'm making ideas.

White is all the colors of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet) put together... black is the complete opposite, which means it has no color.

mixing of white and grey.

I look at the can, jar, marker, pen or whatever, and, if it say's "black" I trust that it is black. This should satisfy any who'd argue that "black" in NOT a color. It is, along with white, blue, yellow, red, or any combination of these.

"Optically" then one can get into the technical discussion about "additive" and "subtractive" color gamut. In these cases, then, there is, also, no argument. Can't argue with the physical princpals of the universe.