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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Can I use Color headshots from school for acting resumes?

Question: Can I use Color headshots from school for acting resumes!?
I have a color headshot from school done by lyle touch or something!. I think it shows my great smile and personality!. But people say I need a black and white pro!. headshot!. and i dont know any in Chicago, Illinois!. do you think theyll highly reject me from an agency if I have a colored headshot from school!? btw im an 8th gr!. im 13!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Professional actors use color headshots these days, never b/w anymore!. If you see someone with a b/w shot it's probably because they haven't bothered to update their headshot for years, or they are not truly a working actor so they have no idea that the trend has changed!.

Seriously, since the "digital revolution", everybody uses color, even theatre actors, because the cost is now the same for color and b/w prints!. And casting directors prefer seeing your actual eye and hair color so they really can tell what you look like!.

So go COLOR! No real agency would request b/w headshots in 2008, it's just not what pros use anymore!. I don't care what they tell you at that agency!. B/w shots look dated!.

That said, your school headshot is probably pretty amateurish looking compared to a real actor's headshot, so you may want to check out www!.CraigsList!.org in your area and see if you can find an actual actor's headshot photographer who is just starting out, so you can get a real headshot done for free or cheap, while he builds his portfolio!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends!. For stage work they tend to prefer black and white; for on-camera, color headshots can be an asset!.

B&W was the standard for years just because of the difficulty and expense of having color!. That has changed; at every audition I go to, I'd say two-thirds of the people have color shots!.

Be aware that if you convert a digital color shot to black and white, it doesn't look very good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take the picture to a company that can put it in black and white for you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

School photos tend to be to posedWww@QuestionHome@Com