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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I need to find an interesting topic for my speech class to talk for 8 minutes ab

Question: I need to find an interesting topic for my speech class to talk for 8 minutes about!. Any good ideas out there!?
It could be an\bout anything, really!. Emotional, personal and humorous topics work best for me!. I'm open to any ideas!. Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's best to pick something you're passionate about because that way you are invested in talking about it!. Like, I find it fascinating, and slightly humorous/ironic, that there are still people breathing in this world that believe there is no such thing as global warming!.!.!.that it's just a hoax!. In my speech class I always tended to swing towards the ironic stuff because I'm a sarcastic person anyway!. also, I just read this article about a horse that was abandoned during hurricane katrina and was kinda just stuck somewhere for awhile with other abandoned animals and during THAT time, was attacked by a Pit Bull that chewed part of his leg off!.!.!.!.I know, I know, getting there!. So anyway, someone saved the horse and gave it a prostetic leg and everyone was saying how the horse had this magnificent spirit to live and blah blah!.!.!.anyway, the whole point is speak about something you're passionate about and now i'll quit talking!.!.!.good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why don't you try speaking about books , or more specifically about a book that has changed your life or one that you found very interesting!. You could try Of Mice and Men by Steinbeck or The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho!. They are both short books that will provide more than enough material for an 8 minutes speech!.

You could also speak about an incident that has marked your life or a memorable place you have visited while travelling or even one of the nicest days of your life!.

If you are a poetry lover as I am, you could pick out a poem you have appreciated ans speak about it,

You can also choose a quote from a play, a poem or any person which you feel could interest your class!.

Hope these suggestions help and good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

politics, religion, sex!. Those are the things that immediately pull peoples interest - not necessarily in that order!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I had a similar assignment once!.!.!.I spoke about a concert I went to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the war in iraqWww@QuestionHome@Com