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Question: Audition help -- What are some things that directors like and dislike about auditioners!?
Thank you very much?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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When you audition:

1!. Be on time!.
2!. Be prepared!.
3!. Be confident!.
4!. Take direction, if it's offered!.
5!. If you fluff a line, or blow a lyric, ask if you may start again!. Ask this just once!.
6!. If the director says "Thank you!.", you're done!. Don't argue or pout, don't stalk off in a huff!. Give a polite "Thank you" back, and take your leave!. Do not ask the director for advice on doing it better the next time!.
7!. If you are requested to return, this is not an automatic signal for you to chat with the director, or ask how you did!.
8!. Don't sweat it either way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you have to make yourself look confident!. the best way to do this is to stand up straight, have good stance, and make eye contact!. shake their hand when you greet them!.
don;t contradict them, if they ask you to change something dont argue with them, or try to explain why you were doing it the way you were, give the impression that you are very flexible and are able to adapt easily!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Be ready for anything, and step it up almost to the point of over-the-top-ness, the more you step it up the more you get noticed, but don't make yourself look like a total idiot!. Show that you're confident in every situation you're in reguardless, but cockyness is never appriciated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly, every director is different, so this question is hard to answers!. The best thing I can say to be loud and be proud!. If you're singing/acting, project your voice, but don't scream!. If you're dancing, be sharp and tight!.

Besides that, have tons of confidence and smile!! Break a leg! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Sell it! Don't get so caught up in technicalities, sell what you are trying to come across as natural and believable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like: Professionalism and being prepared!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You need to stand up straight and smile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Until you've been auditioning for a while, it's usually difficult to find your own way and style of conducting yourself at the audition!. We all have made mistakes and kick ourselves later when we realize how unprofessional or inappropriate it might have been!. Hey, that's the only way we learn what not to do again! I've outlined 3 basic things not to do at an audition!. These may seem obvious but I've held and sat in on many auditions and you'd be surprised how many actors continue to do them!.

Never walk up to the casting director and initiate a hand-shake!. If they already have your headshot and resume simply walk in the room, say hello, and find your mark (the place where you'll be delivering your monologue or side from)!. If you need to hand the CD your headshot and resume when you enter the room, do so but only extend your hand if he initiates it!. Some CDs see a few hundred actors in a day and don't feel the need to shake each actor's hand!. It's nothing personal, it's just the way it is!.

Never deliver your monologue directly into the casting director's eye (or any other person's eye behind the table, for that matter)!. Pick a spot slightly above or to either side of the CD and focus your attention to that point, as if it's the character you are talking to!. Nothing is more awkward than an actor "making" the CD the character in their monologue!. It's just like going to see a play!. The CD should feel like an outside audience member who is watching an actor who isn't breaking the fourth wall!. He also needs to be able to write notes, review your resume, or discuss things with his associates while you're auditioning!. If you make him the other character, how difficult will it be to stay focused when he suddenly sips on a cup of coffee!?! You get the point!.

Never end your monologue by saying "scene!." It's a typical actor stereo-type, but a stereo-type nonetheless!. When you reach the end of your monologue, hold the last moment for a few short beats then break character and look at the casting director to indicate you're finished!. Sometimes actors will take "dramatic pauses" in the middle of their monologue and continue on!. Once you're finished, wait for the CD to speak first!. He may ask you to make an adjustment and do a portion again, ask what play the monologue is from, ask a question about your availability or simply say "thanks!." In any case, you've done your job, reply with a cordial "thanks for your time," "good luck with the project," or "take care" and leave with a big smile on your face because you did the best you can!.

When you leave the audition room, focus on what went well and what didn't go so well!. Learn from the parts that didn't go so well but don't beat yourself up over these!. And finally, leave the audition behind!. Don't wait by the phone for the next month!. Go back to the drawing board, get your headshots and resumes out there and prepare for your next audition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Smile, sing loudly, brethe, laugh when it's the correct time!.
Here's some other tips!.
Hi here are a few tips on they way your personality should come across

Personality is what I’m looking for more than anything else!. Even before I’m thinking can this person act!? I’m thinking does this person have energy!? Do I like them!? Do they seem intelligent!? Are they warm, are they funny!? These qualities will inform their work as an actor, and Colour their performance!. Christine King It often happens that two or more actors are in contention for a role and the decision-makers can’t pick between them!. Almost always, the final decision favors the actor who’s considered to have the most desirable personality!. Equally as often, actors are ruled out, regardless of their talent, because of unwanted personality traits!. Therefore, if not the most important thing in getting work, your personality is the ingredient that will clinch the deal!. Here are some tips for you:

? KNOW YOURSELF a common personality trait in successful actors is a confidence that comes with knowing and being comfortable with who they are!. Get to know yourself!. Highlight the positives in your personality and work on the negatives!. But don’t pretend to be someone you’re not!. On the other hand, you don’t have to be an open book!. In an industry so full of exposure, it certainly doesn’t hurt to leave some mystery about you!

? BE OPEN Doing your job as an actor means being open to other people’s ideas and suggestions!. Don’t be set in stone with your opinions and the way you do things!. Successful actors adapt to circumstances!. Being open to other people also means that they will like you and want to work with you again!. However, don’t be a pushover – stick to your convictions when appropriate!.

? GET ALONG To have the kind of relationships you need to move ahead means you have to possess certain social skills!. Really, this just means being able to get along with people!. But it can’t be stressed enough, in order to rise through the ranks of the acting profession you have to be considerate towards the people you’re working with!. In other words, be nice!. You really do get back what you give out in this industry!.

? BE POSITIVE People in the industry want to work with actors who are positive, enthusiastic and constructive!. No one wants to work with someone who doesn’t like the script or is disinterested in the project or is argumentative!. Even if a project doesn’t thrill you, at least be positive about doing your own best work on it!. Many actors have become instant hits on (and made hits of) projects they thought would flop!.

? HAVE FUN Actors who succeed in the business enjoy what they do and are enjoyable to work with!. Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to be the on-set clown or the prankster, but it will help you to get along if you enjoy the work and the people around you!. Actors who obviously take pleasure in their work are far more likely to be hired again than those who find a role (or a part of the job) a chore or, worse still, beneath them!. So chill out and have fun!.

? BE SMART One quality that people in the industry regard highly in actors is intelligence!. However, they’re not really interested in your academic ability as much as your ability to make smart choices, analyze scripts, take direction, understand human emotions and communicate confidently with people at all levels of the industry!. Naturally, it always pays to use common sense when it comes to matters of your career and dealing with people!.

? BE INTERESTING Industry people are drawn to actors who are interesting!. That’s not to say you should be a walking encyclopedia!. Get out there and experience life!. It will not only help you to be more interesting, but will also give you more to draw on as an actor and more to contribute to a project!. Interesting people are also interested in what other people have to say!. Listen to others and be interested!.

? HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOUR Acting is a tough business and you’ll have to treat your career seriously in order to do well!. But don’t take it all too seriously!. Sending itself up is something the industry does often, perhaps as a form of therapy!. Try approaching your career with similar humor!. An ability to laugh at yourself throughout the difficulties, harshness and absurdities of the profession will serve you well!.

? BELIEVE IN YOURSELF Aspects of the profession can be harsh and every actor experiences times of self-doubt!. Even the most successful actors feel this sometimes!. Know that this feeling is normal and will pass!. Do whatever it takes to re-kindle your passion for acting and your belief in yourself!. Some actors recommend taking up a short course or joining a community theatre group to help rebuild confidence!.

? CARE ABOUT THE JOB Be excited about every project you work on and the part you play in it!. People in the industry love working with actors who are as excited about their projects and the characters in them as they are!. The person who gets the job is often the person who is the most excited about the overall vision of the show and the role they wish to play!. Love the project and your character and the casting people will love you!.

? DO YOUR HOMEWORK Getting the role is largely about ‘getting’ the character, ‘getting’ the overall vision of the production, and ‘getting on a level’ with the director!. Do your homework on every character you play, every show you’re in and every director you work with!. Quite simply, the more consideration you give to each of these, the greater your chances of getting the job!.

Not all of those tips related directly to auditioning but I still think that if you consider them they will help you greatly!. Good Luck!
3 weeks ago
Actors Handbook (this was just a random free book i found on the internet)
Good luck! I'm sure you're perfectly capable!Www@QuestionHome@Com