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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Miley's audition for hannah montana?

Question: Miley's audition for hannah montana!?
ok so i found this video of miley auditioning and i was wondering how she did it and this is what i mean like when she is talking before that did she get a script or something or did she have to make up her own answers for the ladie's questions!?

oh and what do you have to do on auditions!?!?

heres the video that i was talking about:


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For professinoal auditions, there are multiple auditions (each audition after the first is usually referred to as a callback)!. For callbacks, you receive scenes from the show ahead of time and memorize them!. During the audition, you perform your role while someone else reads the other lines off camera!. The people watching you may ask you to do something different with the scene during the audition - this is not a good or bad thing, only to see how directable you are!.

And yes, she made up her own answers to those questions!. Answering interview questions really isn't that hard, you just need to be as witty and personable as possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

she had a script, do you wanna be an actress!? So do i! You can talk to me sometime!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com