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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How can I be a better actress?

Question: How can I be a better actress!?
Acting is an escape from my life!. It's my chance to be someone else!.
What are some techniques I can use to become a good actress!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I know this seems long, but trust me, it helps!.

When I was very young, i was always nervous and forgot my lines on stage!. But today, I have played about 7 lead roles in 5 years in my school including mark cohen from rent, jean valjean from Les Miserables and leo bloom from the producers!. My secret, I just pretended that I was my character, put myself in my character's shoes!. If you want to play hercules, pretend like you want to find your way home, have love in your heart and feel good natured!. I might not be making any sense so I'll put it in simpler terms!. If your character is a bird, pretend like you are a bird!. Quite hard to do from the start (and this means that if you want to be a lead character, then you have to see the movie first) but as you progress, and gain more experience as an actress, it will come naturally!. also, when learning your lines, just keep repeating them and repeating them and repeating them!. In my experience, it has helped me to practice lines infront of a mirror!. Dont be still when you practice lines, or even worse, on stage, practice blocking (moving around), facial expression and changing the volume of your voice as you speak!. My drama professor always picks me as a lead character because of my expressions!. also, i have watched my class mates and learnt from their success and their mistakes!.

Last pointers, do not procrastinate on learining your lines, do not look down at the floor, do not eat your words (speak loudly and clearly, but not too loud) and just have lots of fun with your part!. Whats the point of acting if you dont have fun!?
Good luck with your acting and I hope I didnt bore you too muchWww@QuestionHome@Com

Simply put: live in the moment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Live through the situation you play!. Let it actually be another side of you!. Don't be a Daniel Radcliffe :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

b ethe character!. feel it!. love it play itWww@QuestionHome@Com