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Question: How can I achieve this!? Where do I start!?
I know this question has been asked before, but nothing worked for me!.

I'm 16 and I've been wanting to be an actress!.
I've been acting since age 11!.
I've done school plays, skits, etc!. Mostly things at school!.
I've joined a Drama Club!.
I live in London, Ontario Canada, but I don't think their are any auditions here!. The closest auditions to me are in Toronto which I cannot go!.

I'm quite good at acting!.!. but I have no idea where to start!
People say go to SAG!.org, backstage!.com, etc!.
Nothing's worked for me!

I'm really serious about this career!. It's been my dream for years!

I have a resume, and I'm still planning on when to get my head shot!.

Another thing, people tell me to get an agent, people say don't get one!.
I'm confused!.
I want to start with commercials before I go to the next level which are films!.!. is a commercial agent mandatory!?
It's going to be quite difficult getting one!.

Thank-you so much!
I really appreciate it!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Start at the beginning!. Just think about it!. If you have no experience and try and go get an agent, how do you think you will make out!? Well, it depends on what kind of agent you want:
legit, commercial, commercial print, for hosting, industrials, theatre, etc!.!?
And what if you get an interview with an agent!. What will you do for him/her!? Do you have any monologues to perform!? Do you know how to perform them!? Which acting technique do you subscribe to!? How is it working for you!?

You see!? You need to start at the beginning and get some training first!. Even getting headshots at this point won't do you much good!. If you look at head shots of people who have no experience and those of well-trained actors, you will see a huge difference generally!. People who have no training generally don't know how to work the camera and get that killer head shot!.

Here are some things to think about!. Have a look at this page on my website for new and aspiring actors!. It has 23 links on it that have to do with different aspects of starting an acting career!. And it is dedicated to teens! http://www!.actingcareerstartup!.com/teen_!.!.!.

In addition, have a look at this answer I gave to a girl some time ago here on yahoo!.answers!. It's a series of questions that, sooner or later, you will need to know how to answer and when you do, you'll know that you are well on your way!.

Good luck!


But you are on the right track for starters!. It's important to find out what it really means to become an actor FIRST!.
Getting back to figuring out what your goals are, it might help if you ask yourself some questions:

Why do you want to become an actor!?
What will that do for you!?
How will it make you feel!?
What kind of actor do you want to become!?
How far are you really and truly and honestly willing to go for your acting career!?
Do you know what it's like to work as an actor!?
Do you know what actors do when they are looking for work or in between jobs!?
Do you know what kinds of different acting careers you could have!?
How hard are you willing to work!? Honestly!. (I ask that question, because you openly declared that you feel lazy and bored!. If you become an actor, your days should never be that way!.)
What do you think having an acting career entails!?
What do you think an actor does day to day, when he's not working!?
Do you know anything about business!? Do you realize how important it is to know how to promote yourself and to be able to get your work seen!?
Have you taken any acting classes yet!?
What acting method are you studying!?
What other acting methods are you aware of!?
Do you know what the benefits are to taking acting classes!? In other words, do you know what they can do for you, other than teaching you how to act!?
Do you know how you can tell if a class is right for you or not!?
Do you know how to choose an acting school!?
Do you know of at least ten different ways that you can promote yourself as an actor!?
Do you know how to go about finding a talent agent!?
Do you know what agents look for in an actor!?
Do you know your type and why knowing that is so important!?
Do you know how to do a mailing!?
Do you know how to use post cards!?

How about head shots!? Do you know what the disadvantages are of getting head shots taken before you are ready!?
Do you know the right questions and what to look for when selecting a head shot photographer!?

Do you know what the industry formats are for an acting resume!?
Do you know one of the first places agents and casting directors look when they look at your resume!?

If you were further along, I would ask you other questions like:
How did you get your agent!? In other words, what were the exact steps you took!?
What do you do while you are waiting for your agent to call you for an audition!?
Did you ever go through a period where you went on a lot of auditions and didn't get called back very much!? If so, what did you do to remedy the situation!?
How did you choose your monologues!? Do you know the most common mistakes actors make when performing a monologue and how to avoid them!?
How do you prepare for your auditions!?

What method of acting are you studying and why does that method speak to you!?

Do you know how to build a character!?

If you really want to be an actor, then get to work and answer all those questions and look for others to answer as there are many more!. If you start with those, you should have a pretty good idea what it means to become an actor and what you will need to do to become one yourself!.


Well my friend has an agent that is helping her find places to act and stuff!. My sister wanted to become an actress but gave that up -!.-''!. They both started with taking professional acting classes!. My friend got an agent after!. My friend goes to different auditions her agent finds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


all this is nothing!. join some learning academy and show your talent then you will get aggod opportunityWww@QuestionHome@Com

join some academy!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

do get an agent but set yr boundries,but not to high then they'll just through under the bus like a used up ragWww@QuestionHome@Com

Come to Mumbai, India; You will find some really good options!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't know much about the acting business!.!. but hey Go For It!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You state that you "don't think" there are auditions in your city -- that indicates that you haven't done any research!. London, Ontario surely must have at least a few theatres, so find out what they are, contact each of them, and ask to be placed on their auditions mailing lists!. A lot of theatre's nowadays send out announcements via e-mail, but there are still theatres that mail out flyers!.

As for an agent, you really don't need one for theatre work until you make the move to professional theatre -- and even then, they're not an absolute necessity!. [I've never had an agent, yet I managed to get cast in two Broadway and one off-Broadway productions]!.

But that's for theatre work!. You mentioned commercials and film, and those media all but require an agent because most of them are cast via submissions only -- there really are never open auditions for major projects!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

get agent!. GET A HEADSHOT!!! come on! i work with community theather and i have a head shot!

start working on things like being an extra in movies!. that way, you learn the ropes on set!. you will also meet people, and connections are the best thing you can have in theather!. they seriously come before acting ability!.

also, work in on-stage real theather!. it's respected more!. to be onstage, you have to be able to act perfectly, and you have one chance!. onset, you have as many takes as you need before your acting kicks in!. try Shakespheare- it is arguably the most respected type of theater out there!. it will look great on your resume!.

dont be afraid to take jobs backstage! once again- it gets you CONNECTIONS!.

= DWww@QuestionHome@Com