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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Anyone know of some good 1-2 minute monologues for a female?

Question: Anyone know of some good 1-2 minute monologues for a female!?
I need some monologues for something I am auditioning for 1-2 minutes, simple but well convincing and it has to be a known play!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
this site has good monologues from movies-

this site is one that my late acting instructor would use-
from that one, i like Mrs!. Gilhooley's Bungaloo, and it gets a huge laugh every time i perform it!

also, if you want to get good results at an audition and you think you can handle it, try shakespeare!. it's harder to understand, and it usually takes more work to make the emotions stand out!. this is a try at your own risk thing!. if you dont get it right, the audition will be completely horrible!. however, if you can make it good, it is the best thing you could do at an audition!. the director will see that you dont have to rely on the words to act for you- you can make them come to life with your acting!. (use the books "No-fear shakespeare by Spark notes to help you get a better grip of the word's meanings!. it has all the olde english traslated into modern day english, and i find it very helpful)

break a leg!

I have done some research on places on the internet where you can find monologues of all types, including teen monologues, monologues for girls, women, men, comical monologues, short comedic monologues, etc!. I also answer a lot of questions about how to effectively memorize a monologue as well as about common mistakes that actors often make while performing a monologue for an audition!. On this page on my site for new and aspiring actors, you will find all that information including links to the types of monologues you are looking for!. http://www!.actingcareerstartup!.com/comic!.!.!.

Good luck in your audition!.


In the drama ' Perseus the Deliverer' - p!.5!. Athene challenges Poseidon, some good monologues!.
Try also Rdogune and Viziers of Bassora at the following :
www!.sriaurobindoashram!.com > Sri Aurobindo > His works > Vol!. 6 !. p!.5 !. try also Vol!. 7!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
