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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How much does cost?

Question: How much does exploretalent!.com cost!?
And does it work!? I've signed up for their free service, but they still want the credit card info!. I'm worried that it's a scam!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is a way to use Exploretalent!.com and other "paid audition" sites and get all the information they make you pay for - for free!.!.!.

First, do a search for a role you want to audition for!. You'll get some results with names / location but no contact information so you can submit yourself for roles!.!.!.

Well, this is where you use a search engine (I also use Google) and with a few targeted searches (location / name of movie / date) you can find the audition information and contact information on other sites or the actual casting agency for free!.

Just remember to bookmark the free sites!

also search hints: Search commands like " - " are highly useful!.!.!. for example: if you are looking for a job you found on ExploreTalents website for say, a role for " Harry Potter in NY on 6!.15!.08" - You would want to type in a Google "Audition Harry Potter NY 08 -exploretalent " this will make the results to NOT include exploretalent website!.!.!.etc etc!.!.!. you can try things like -credt card , -submit yourself , and more to narrow searches!.Www@QuestionHome@Com