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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Are there any good web sites for people moving out to LA to become an actor?

Question: Are there any good web sites for people moving out to LA to become an actor!?
I'm going out to LA in about a year and i want to be as prepared as i can be for the big move!. Are there any web sites that help prepare you, teach you about the film industry in LA, tell you things you should know before you go out there!.!? Anything at all would be great!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
One of the best resources for those making the move to LA is http://workingactors!.com/ They have a book in print that comes out every year, but they provide it online for free! It's mainly a directory of businesses that I believe pay to be listed so please still check them out before using them!. But when I was a younger actor I found this to be a great tool!. There are still a great many places that are not listed so use this as a jumping off point!. For instance, not every class or agent is listed!. also, because they pay to be listed not every 'agent' has to be legit so make absolutely certain whoever you submit to is licensed!. Check http://www!.sag!.org/node/667 for both SAG and ATA/NATR agents and/or use Ross Reports via Backstage!.com

If you have a good resume and training background then submit to agents before you arrive!. If you are with an agent where you are who has west coast connections, maybe they can help you make the transition!.

If not, be erady to get a job that will sustain you!. Waiting tables, delivery services, any job that has a shift you can switch with someone else if an audition comes up!.

good luck,

Just moving to LA because you want to be an actor is a bad idea!. You're just preparing yourself for work as a life long waiter!. Get into stuff where you live now so you can start developing yoiur skill and resume!. And before you move to LA, have stuff SET UP FIRST!. Set up auditions with agents or talk to management people or something!. Just moving for the sake of moving is the dumbest idea that most people make, which is why there are millions of people in LA who want to be actdors who have done literally nothing!. When I moved to LA, I made sure that I had already landed an agent and other stuff before I made the move!. I made sure I had a good resume, so I wasn't just another joe blow who thought he would stand out of the other joe blows!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do your homework first!
Depends on how old you are and how much experience you have I would say!. But the main thing is your motivation for wanting to be an actor, your desire to be the best actor that you can possibly be and your level of drive and determination, intelligence, networking skills, your knowledge of the market, business savvy!. You will need all those things to be successful!.

I interviewed a Hollywood acting coach about what he feels it takes to be successful in Hollywood as an actor!. You can find the interview here!. It's about 6 Things You Need To Know if you want to start an acting career in Hollywood: http://www!.actingcareerstartup!.com/start!.!.!.

On the site you will also find an acting industry info page you might find helpful to start studying the industry!.

Good luck!


There are some that may help a little, but going to LA to become an actor is a terrible idea!. You should become established as an actor elsewhere first!. Try You Must Act and try Acting Career Start Up!. Do a web search of Breaking into Films in LA!. I am a retired actor who mentors aspiring actors for free!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get on an airlplane and go, not much more to it, than that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

www!.starbucks!.com, it should tell you which stores are hiring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com