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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> School plays?

Question: School plays!?
so far at our school, we have preformed romeo and juliet, the secret garden, larceny and old lace, the lion the whitch and the wardrobe, the wizard of wonderland, little women, anne of green gables, and charlie and the chocolate factory!.
any ideas of other plays we could possibly do!?
(me and 2 other students in the plays are ruting for joseph and the amazing technicollor dreamcoat, but besides us, the musical tallent in our school is very limited!. and there arent many good lead roles for a girl!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Juliet, if you are looking for serious but fun to act plays, go for Rent (I loved acting in rent, lots of lines, but memorising the songs arent hard and there are really good roles for girls), the producers is a fun play but both lead roles are guys and acting as a swedish girl (i can only imagine) is quite hard!. Into the woods has more female lead characters than male lead characters but you might not have enough students to perform these plays if their musical tallent is only very limited!. Break a legWww@QuestionHome@Com

Seussical !.!. Cheap rights!. really fun to do!. many parts are gender interchangable!. gets attention in advertising becuase its dr seuss!.
Into the woods!. major major female parts!. pretty good one!. Incorperated brothers grimm themes
the music man!.!. a few female leads!.!. a cliche high school musical but its a classic!. few props and little stage work!. backdrops change alot but thats all changable!.

all cheap and girl heavy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dreamgirls (you should only do if you have a lot of african american students), Chicago, Thoroughly Modern Millie, Once Upon A MatressWww@QuestionHome@Com

Man of La Mancha,
Sound of Music
South Pacific
West Side Story
the crucible
anythin goes

Alice in Wonderland!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

fiddler on the roof has alot of girl roles!. its also a good play to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try Hairspray tons of good roles for girls and it is perfect for a highschool play!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Grease, My Fair Lady, The Wiz, Footloose!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com