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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Do famous people ever get fed up of being hounded by their fans or have breakdow

Question: Do famous people ever get fed up of being hounded by their fans or have breakdowns from so much pressure!?
It's just that whenever I see celebrities (actors, singers, etc) on TV, they always seem to be happy & excited with all of the attention!. But, I've heard a few stories that they're either just faking happiness or are genuinely happy with the attention, but have a break-down in private!. I dunno!.

I'm asking because!.!.!.!.well, let's just say that when I used to be an actress in my drama course, I, as well as a few others, suffered a nervous breakdown from all the demands that acting forced upon us!. I was even horrified one day when a female drama student in my course suddenly broke down in terrible tears because the script-piece she was reading reminded her of her badly disabled brother!.

So, my question is simply, do celebrities ever get sick of the attention & do they have have break-downs from all of the attention!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Some don't, most do!. I talked with a Hollywood psychiatrist once and he said that actors had more problems than the average person, and that most of them were very insecure!. He said they were the most paranoid people on the planet!. Why do you think so many of them die from drugs, alcohol, etc!.!?!? The pressures of holding up their "image" is overwhelming to some of them!. Fans are a problem to some of them, yes, but the long hours and the pressure is much worse!. And, then you have this false sense of superiority and illusions of godhood that infect many of them!. I've personally been involved with ones that were so "conceited" that it was disgusting!.
Some actors and actresses make it through all this and come out OK, even into old age!. But, they are the exceptions and even they have had some monumental problems during their careers they've had to overcome!. We're all human and have problems, but being in the public eye "all the time" and dealing with success or failure can be overwhelming to someone who's insecure in the first place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many probably do, but if you want to know for sure, you should ask the famous people or read interviews and their bios!.


Two words for ya'

Brittany SpearsWww@QuestionHome@Com

i'll giv u examples!.britney spears is sick and tired from all the attention she gets!.she even blames the papparazzi openly(in the song'piece of me')4 wt she has become!.the girl is insecure,she wants affection and a normal life!.this proves to us her insecurity!.another contrasting example is Tokio Hotel(hope u knw zm)!.these guys r young rock stars!.even though there r always nasty rumours about them,they enjoy their celebrity!.they adore their fans coz they know without their fans,they wd be nothing,unlike e certain miss spears!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kurt Russell has beat up several papparazzi!.

Jenifer Anston was driving in her (Mercury Mountaineer truck!?) when a fan jumped up on the hood!. She put the pedal to the metal!. - I thnk I would have done the same!.

I am sure others have gone though such things!.

Some actors are not bothered all that much!. I met Alice Cooper!. I said "Hello Mr Cooper" but I think he is nearly deaf because he never looked at me!. Maybe he just ignores people!. I also ran into Tommy Chong once!. He just said, "Excuse me" and kept walking, but never even looked at me!. I guess meeting two celebs in 42 years is not bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com