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Question: Whats the easiest way to get discovered!?
i want to be on broadway someday and i have no clue how to make that happen with my crazy life!. help!.!.!.!.!.!.please!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
tony just forgot one important thing!. First you have to get some acting experience, classes do not go that, you have to be in a play at school, in fact as many plays as you can at school, at church, in the community!.!. You will have to tame your crazy life to concentrate only on acting or you will never do anything!. You just keep acting everywhere and anytime you can when you get out of school, you try semi=professional and even open calls for professional work, and as Tony says, all this time keep taking classes and networking!. that ought to do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The best way to get discovered is to POSITION yourself to get discovered!.
Train!. Train!. Train!.
See if you have the talent!.
Develop your networking and business skills!. (One of the biggest mistakes you could possibly make is underestimating their importance!. It could have you end up with most aspiring actors that never, ever make it!)
Be determined, patient, persevering, inquisitive, PASSIONATE!.
Make sure you create a circle of friends who can help you, encourage you, give you tips, mentor you, help you along, whom you can model after!.
Don't believe the hype, that all you need is a good look and your natural, God-given talent and that taking acting classes isn't so important!. Get someone to tell you those things who is qualified, like your acting teacher for example!.

First thing!?

Take some classes and start training!.
If you worry too much about getting discovered, it'll probably never happen!.

Remember, it's not about who you know!.
It's not about who knows you!.
It's all about who WANTS to know you!.

Make sure you do something that is so different and so unique that you make people WANT TO KNOW YOU!.
Otherwise, you'll be just one of the crowd!.

Have a look at this page on my site for new and aspiring actors!. It has lots of links to pages that have to do with different aspects of starting an acting career!. http://www!.actingcareerstartup!.com/teen_!.!.!. !.
It might also help you to figure out how to make this happen with what you called your "crazy life!."

Good luck!


Be yourself!. Be the best YOU that you can be, perform where you are to the best of your ability at the time, as though the most important person in the world (to you) was watching the show!.!.!. one day it might just happen!. But you would not "perform" or otherwise show off on that basis; you give it your best on stage to touch other people's hearts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you want to get discovered you have to peform in productions, so Talent Agents and Casting Directors, can see your acting abilities!.

So, if you're not performing, look in the local Performing Arts newspaper that lists auditions and go on as many as you can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The easiest way to get discovered is to PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE until you are the best you can be!. Take dance classes, voice lessons, acting workshops, join choir and have an extensive resume' and you're well on your way to stardom!Www@QuestionHome@Com