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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What State may i learn to become an actor/teleivision show host besides new york

Question: What State may i learn to become an actor/teleivision show host besides new york and california!?
because new york may seem dangerous, some part in new york, and california is further because i live in maine so any state can do become an actor/teleivsion host programs!? like any courses!? that is great if someone knows of a state that can give someone experience on becoming an actor or a teleivision show host, if you know that is great, thank you alrightWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Many actors and actresses don't go to these stereotyped places to learn anything!. The best way is to check your local colleges!. Schools all over the world have acting lessons, (In fact, almost all of them do!.) If you join a drama club at one of these schools, you will most likely travel to show off your talents!. This is when people will notice you!. Just don't get your hopes down if you dont make it right away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is danger in every city in the United States,
wherever you live, there is danger!.
You can't hide from danger!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


try arizonaWww@QuestionHome@Com