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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How can I say goodbye to a great cast?

Question: How can I say goodbye to a great cast!?
How can I say goodbye to this amazing cast for a Children's Theater production!? I want to do something special before or after our last show on Saturday!. I don't know how to begin to say goodbye becuase for 3!.5 months, we have been together and then after this week it will all be over!. How can I say goodbye to them, knowing that I may never see any of them ever again!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
So sad i could cry :*( !.!.!.I just finished my last performance today as well! (the sound of music)!.!.!.and i am definately going to miss my cast!!! Something we did was, at our cast party we "random people" gave eachother little meaniful cards and someone even made us these mini scrapbooks of our practices and such!. It was so nice and it really meant a lot! We exchanged e-mails and such as well!.!.!.which is great if you truly want to keep in touch!. Hope this was of some help!. I really can not think of much there is to do besides sending them a memory they can look at and reminse over!. Kylie?Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could print up cerificates of appreciation on your computer and distribute them!.!. You might be able to find a greeting card that says Thanks for a Great Job!. then you can add the name of the show and the dates!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take pictures of them and make them into a montage to show to the whole cast!.Www@QuestionHome@Com