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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How do actors cry on demand?

Question: How do actors cry on demand!?
Its been bugging me!.!.but!.!.some people cry on demand!.!.how do you do that!?(ex!. Hillary Duff in the Lizzie Mccguire Movie")Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is something called 'sense memory' and that is when you find something to remind you of a time when you were that emotion!. For example, to cry, you could think of when someone died, or if you had to be really happy, think of the best moment of your life, etc!.

And then, some people get so into a role that they connect and kind of become one with the character, as weird as that may sound!. Hopefully I answered your question good enough!. ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The answers above are good, especially because they connect the actor to the character's emotional state!. The tip I have for you is completely different, but does nothing to help with the expression of emotion; it is purely a mechanical technique!.

There is a trigger point on the roof of your mouth!. If you can raise the rear of your tongue to touch the roof of your mouth right up the back, you can trigger a lump in the throat and often a tear or two as well!. It works better for some than others!. I don't often raise a tear, but the lump in the throat helps!. (actually I think I'm a heartless bastard, because I don't cry at anything even in my own life anymore!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are a lot of ways actors do this!. I, for one, try to think of something sad and just start sobbing!. It takes lots of practice and concentration though; every actor is different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good actors can cry on demand by thinking of something sad and connecting with the character but often on shows and such they use eye drops which makes you cryWww@QuestionHome@Com