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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I want to be an actor; is it too late?

Question: I want to be an actor; is it too late!?
I did a few plays in 6th grade but haven't really done anything since then!. I've "directed" home made movies with my cousins which turned out good!. (my family watched them) lol

I've been told I make funny faces and I've been told I'm a funny guy and a good actor!. I'm in 10th grade and 16 years old!. I don't know if it's too late for me to actually get "noticed" and become a "famous" actor!. Do you guys know anyone that is famous know that started out "late" with their career!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. start by trying out for the school plays!. That will help you decide if you are any good at acting!. 2!. making faces is not acting 3!. Don't try to be famous, try to be as good as you can be!. 4!. It is not too late!. 5!. If you get good roles and good feedback from the school plays, look for a professional acting class!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!.) Its never too late
2!.) Just because you make funny faces doesn't mean you'll be able to convey your emotions on a stage or film ini front of people!.
3!.) Start by doing some school plays, workshops, ect, so you can see if you really want to do this!. You should take this VERY seriously!. Maybe this will turn into a career, or just a hobbie!.
4!.) Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's never too late! BEsides that, you are still young! Get involved in an acting class!. I actaully do know a many who didn't start acting until her was retired (after 70!) and has booked numerous national commercials!. If you live in Southern California you are lucky - if not, you can still get involved locally!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

16 is not too late to begin studying the craft and developing skills!.

99!.99% of actors don't just get "noticed!." They work hard, take classes, go to auditions, take more classes, go to more auditions, perform in little black box theatres, work at their day job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't think its too late yet, but you really need to get going if you want to be "noticed"Www@QuestionHome@Com