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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I Need Opinions/Help PLEASE!?

Question: I Need Opinions/Help PLEASE!!?
Okay, so my school is having this competition right!? And I am EXTREMELY competitive!. Do you have any suggestions for a play that isn't TOO long, and that we can get together by next friday, 5/23!?!!? PLEASE and thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Before anything, I wish you good luck girl!
Okay, so like you i'm also into competitions, it;s like i try and enter into one as long as i think i'm qualified!. Preparing before the big day is an important thing to do, like I sleep early, I eat right and I don't waste any time!. I practice and practice!. I'm no pro, but the e-books sent by http://hollywood-opportunities!.com are so helpful!. e-books on performing and stuff!. Just go and sign-up, they did my performance wonders!.Www@QuestionHome@Com