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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What's the play called where the whole guy helping another guy get girl by t

Question: What's the play called where the whole guy helping another guy get girl by telling him what to say originated
It's about this guy who loves this girl and this other guy loves her as well!. Then one day one of the guys asks another to help him out!. He does but the girl falls in love with his words, which are actually the other guy's words!. Both guys go to the military and the one that the girl loved dies!. She then finds out that it was the other person that really loved her but he denied it!. Then he dies too!. What's that play called!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Cyrano de Bergerac!.

Here's more info for it:

Cyrano de Burgerac!. (I know its spelled wrong)

I LOVE this show! It is brilliant!. My students enjoy it as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com