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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What do you do when you there's no professional theatre around you...?

Question: What do you do when you there's no professional theatre around you!.!.!.!?
That have auditions for kids!? The only other theatre is an hour or so away, and I can't drive a car and my parent won't take me because they can't!. My school doesn't offer much drama and I already do church plays and take acting classes, but there's NOTHING else I can do!. Do tell my to drive there!!!! I could, but #1, I don't have a license, #2, I'm 13, I'd probably hurt someone, #3, again, I'm 13, I'd get pulled over!. DON'T HATE ON ME!!!!!! That's happened before!. So bascially, no school plays, just church play, and some camps in far away cities!. What do I do to get better!? Like I said, I DO take classes, but I really want more experiance, what do I do!. We have plays here, but they don't cast kids!. READ THIS WHOLE THING BEFORE YOU GIVE ME RUDE ANSWERS!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, you say you're doing church theater and are taking acting classes!. So what's the problem!? That's GREAT! Just keep on doing what you're doing, and when you get older, try to get an agent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is there a community college in your area!?!. if so, they probably have a theater program and open auditions for plays!. You can find someone to carpool with by asking or posting a notice!. Look at the event section in your local paper!. They will list plays in the area!. You can contact the director or whoever is sponsoring the play for information on the next performance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was in the same pickle, because the drama club at my school got canceled!. What *I* did is I started a new drama club!. Once you guys are established, you can do plays or musicals or whatever, but first you have to get it as an official club at your school!. Talk to the principal, talk to the art teachers, talk to anyone who maybe willing to help or that could at least let you use their rooms for meetings at lunch!. Social Studies teachers are also sometimes drama people that can help you get started!.!. If it doesn't work to talk to the principal, take it to the Superintendent!. also, find people that like drama, and get them to come to meetings!.
I hope that helps! If you have any questions, email me!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i feel sorry for you- poor thing! We get a lot of questions similar to this in theatre+ acting but none of the users are in quite as much of a pickle as you are, my dear! My only suggestion is that if this truely is your dream and you're going to go for it you've got to just wait until you turn 18 and move to a bigger city where you can broaden your acting opprotunity horizons!.!.!. I'm sorry!. Time is on your side!. Sing in the shower and act in front of the mirror and then when you're old enough, show the world what you've got! You're doing all that you can do right now considering your cicumstances and situation!.!.!. keep trying your hardest, give it all you've got!.!.!. you're doing the best that you can!Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I was going in school and taking drama, my friends/classmates would practice on our own, even though there are theatres where we can perform (which, we also did)!. We just want to get better and sharpened our craft!. We would take scenes and memorized it and performed it in our living room, empty classroom, where ever we can!. It's much harder because this take discipline, but it builds discipline!. I'm boasting or anything, but being unbiased about it, most of us were good; asides from the extra practices we did on our own and plays we were in, we also had great teachers!. Acting like sports, dancing, singing!.!.!. you have to practice, even if the only way to do it, is to do it on your own!. Asked, some of your friends/classmates to do some serious practice!. Good lu!.!.!. oops! Break a leg!Www@QuestionHome@Com