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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I feel really weird when I'm acting...?

Question: I feel really weird when I'm acting!.!.!.!?
Whenever I'm acting with other actors and being someone else, I really get into it and do a good job!. It's fun and there are no problems!. But then, when I get out of acting mode, I have the worst feeling!. 'That wasn't me!. This isn't who I am!. Other people have seen me as something I'm not!.' I'm embarassed and want to go go back in time and never act again!.

Anyone know why I have this feeling, because I've never heard of it!? Does it have a name, lol!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
ITS CUZ UR ACTING like someone u aren't! trust me its happened to me before!. you feel more secure playing this character that you feel you don't know who you are anymore!.!.!.idunno its kinda crazy but yeah!. its just a matter of overcoming yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The ability to act is a gift - and a curse!. That feeling is common, but if you have the gift remember this -

You act to give joy to others; to interpret art and to give of yourself!. There is no shame in that!.

Be strong in who you really are in real life, and be the character fully when you act!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, its called being psycotic!.!.!. and maybe you just have some confidence issuesWww@QuestionHome@Com