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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Translations?

Question: Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Translations!?
Please, I need these passages rewritten in modern English:
1) "I pray you, sir, what saucy merchant was this that was so full of his ropery!?"
2) "Is your man secret!? Did you ne'er hear say, Two may keep counsel, putting one away!?"
3) "But she, good soul, had as lieve see a toad, a very toad, as see him!."
4) "I am aweary, give me leave awhile!. Fie, how my bones ache! What a jaunce have I!"
5) "Then hie you hence to Friar Laurence' cell; There stays a husband to make you a wife!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. "So tell me, who was that rude boy who was so full of himself!? What an *******!"
2!. "Is your servant discreet and trustworthy!? Haven't you ever heard the old saying 'Two people can keep a secret, but only if you kill one of them'!?"
3!. "She would rather look at a toad than look at Paris" or "Paris just doesn't do it for her!."
4!. "I'm tired, give me a chance to rest!. I hurt all over!. Oy, what a day I'm having!."
5!. "Then get right over to Friar Laurence's cell---your future husband is waiting there to marry you!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here is a complete translation of the who story!. I used it when i had to translate it to modern english!.


hope i helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com