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Question: Too Much Drama in Drama!?
I am in my school play and it is the day before opening night and everyone is at everyone's thraots!. Their are too many meaningless fight, tears shed, and love problems!. How do I help everyone to chill out and keep them foucused on the show!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The first thing I said to myself when I saw this title was "Mmhm!!" I know exactly what you're talking about!. Our Drama class just got done with a production of Bye, Bye Birdie, and the drama was running high! We were running over the songs and there was a cat fight right in the middle of the church we were practicing in!. Back stage right before and during the performances there was a soap opera going on in the bathroom!

Honestly, the safest thing you can do is just stay out of it and don't let it affect you!. Worry about your performance!. If you want to do something, just remind them how close the performance is and ask that they just forget about it for now, focus their energy into their performance, and settle their love problems later!. That's what I did and everything turned out fine!. Just don't get caught up in it youself, and don't let it mess up your performance!. Good luck! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow I usually find the opposite with drama, usually they are such laid back kids! Just get everybody excited about the show!. Don't talk about the issues or anything negative just spread the excitment!. It should work!.!.or wait till opening night, then the adreniline will make everything okWww@QuestionHome@Com

You the director!? It's the director's job!. this behaviour should not have been tolerated from the beginning!. They need a talking to in the form of a pep talk about the play being what is important and when that is over they can worry about their petty spats and romance!. Break a leg!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can be the example and handle the stress with graciousness, then everyone will respect you more, and it might help them calm down!.

That sounds pretty normal for high school, btw!. don't worry too much!. you sound very mature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have a senace and call upon the spirit of Vanessa King!. She will cause bad luck and everyone will have to pull together to defeit the greater evil!. It worked for us!. The only problem is she is still following us around!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well if U R the director U could put out sum empty threats maybe even though I kinda don't like empty threats
if U R a actress try getting a lit' group of friends help U calm everyone down it maybe that everyone is just kinda nervousWww@QuestionHome@Com

You can't control everyone!. Just don't give into the drama!.Www@QuestionHome@Com