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Question: A Clockwork Orange: Modernization help!?
My english group and I are supposed to modernize The movie and book A Clockwork Orange!. We still want to keep most of the elements (costumes, concepts, ect!.) HELP!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, it's not like A Clockwork Orange was made hundreds of years ago!. It was, is, and always will be my favorite movie!. I'm glad you decided to keep the costumes!. The most important part to keep is the social message, though!. That movie made a very strong message regarding government imposing their will upon citizens!. Just as strong if not more controvertial than Orwell's 1984!.

As far as modernizing it goes!.!.!. I think you'll need to look to Gansta Rap!. Imagine Alex as say!.!.!. Slim Shady (kinda looks the part,eh!?) or 50 Cent!. Instead of a 70's "futuristic" England slum, set it present day 5 Mile Detroit or Compton, CA!. Keep the Classical music for Alex's thoughts of evils (since it's pertinant that the mind-washing by the government use the same music) but have Rap and Hip-Hop accompany the rest of the scenes!. The queer guidance counsellor replaced with an inner city school principal!. His parents replaced with a single mother on welfare!. Alex's "Droogs" replaced by "West-Side 13" gang members (or something like that)!. The Milk Bar replaced by a Hip-Hop club!. Etc, etc!. The important parts are the acts of violence, the mind washing, and the acts of retaliation!. Simply reenact all those with the new cast!. It really writes itself since it isn't that old of a movie to begin with!. In prison Alex (A-Rod!?) "finds God" and the preacher hooks him up with the "Program" for his "good behaviour"!.

It shouldn't be too hard to condense the entire movie down to about 20-30 minutes!. Just make sure the audience knows Alex and his gang take what they want, when they want, with no thought to consequence!. And that later, due to the government imposing it's will, Alex is nearly beaten to death by all those "good people" he had crossed before!.

Rather strange subject for school, though!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The author Anthony Burgess intended this novel to be a study on free will and psychological behaviourism!.

Man is defined by his capacity to choose courses of moral action!. If he chooses good, he must have the possibility of choosing evil instead: evil is a theological necessity!.

A good way to do this is to take from the headlines say the murder of Lacey Peterson and her unborn son Connor
a great cast of charaters with the same dilemasWww@QuestionHome@Com

You need to break the script up into small units to film!. You dont want to do very long takes because of screw ups!. Then you edit all the little takes into the film!. Might search Amazon!.com for a book on how to make a shooting script!. and how to direct a film!.Www@QuestionHome@Com