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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I need suggestions/tips for this monologue I'm writing?

Question: I need suggestions/tips for this monologue I'm writing!?
I'm planning to write a monologue, thats dark, and when I mean by dark I mean by just using a flashlight only!. I'm planning to write one that talks about a girl who explores a cave and then gets lost because she falls into some pit or hole!. After that I don't know what to do next, I know she gets hurt and starts limping and now that she only has a flashlight she thinks she's hearing and seeing things!. What should I put next!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
is it written in future or past tense!?
whatever happens, you must put your character into a situation where she has to overcome an obstacle!. and you could be lazy and say that falling into a pit IS the obstacle but really that's just your environment, your setting!. is she deathly afraid of the dark and succumbs to her own imagination while in there, recalling memories that were the impetus for her fear in the first place!? does she discover a corpse!? what is her fear while she's in the cave!? does the flashlight go out and she's forced to feel/hear her way through the cave!? why does she start hearing/seeing things!.!.!.what's down there!? does the cave go somewhere unexpected!.!.!.like some hunky guy's backyard!.!.!.or a mythical land!.!.!.or someone's torture chamber!? Give your character an objective, then put an obstacle in the way of that objective so your character has something to overcome!. Make sure the monologe has a beginning, middle, and an end!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

almost noone wants original monologues at auditions!. they all want them from published playsWww@QuestionHome@Com