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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Galway arts festival ticket problem?

Question: Galway arts festival ticket problem!?
i want to buy tickets for Blondie at the galway arts festival in Ireland this summer but i can't find where to buy the tickets!!!!!!!! help anyone!?!?!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Actually,i have the galway advertiser beside me and the venue has yet to be decided,but appartently there is talk that it will be held in a big tent that will come back for the summer festival!.so keep your eyes gluded to the galway advertiser,good luck!.www!.galway advertiser!.iealso you can get more information at the website,galwayartsfestival!.ie!.And the number for the ticket office is,0035391509700 and its not open for tickets till early june so you have time yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com