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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How many years of voice lessons do actors need?

Question: How many years of voice lessons do actors need!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's not so much about the QUANTITY of time an actor puts in on voice, as it is the QUALITY of the training!. The time will vary for each individual!. If you are planning on studying voice for the actor, you will learn about the Physical component of the voice, (how sound is produced), correct breathing and support, range, articulation, resonance, tone, quality and the proper care of the voice!. These are things that you can practice on your own, even if you aren't in a specific "voice for the actor" class!. Kristen Linklater's vocal techniques are a good place to start- they emphasize the connection between thought, emotion, movement and sound!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well actually a good actor never stop training because you cannot learn every aspect of the art of acting!. So I recommend you do as much training as possible because there is no limit on becoming well trained!. For example, articulation, your posture, enunciation, correcting breathing methods, emotion, etc!. There is so much to learn, so keep at it because you can never get too much training!.Www@QuestionHome@Com