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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How to I relax when acting?

Question: How to I relax when acting!?
My acting teacher says I carry my tension in my jaws thats why I tense my jaw when I speak on stage!? How can I get rid of that tension!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Do you do warm-up exercises before each performance!? Yawning is one good way to unlock the tension in your jaw!. Just lean your head back, open your mouth wide, and let yourself do a big yawn!. If you can't deliver a satisfactory yawn the first time, that's OK!. Try a few more times!. Stretching exercises for other parts of your body are also helpful!. When you're concentrating on your arms, legs, etc!., there's a good chance that your jaw will relax of its own accord!. You can also try facial exercises -- scrunching your face up tightly, then dropping your mouth open and letting your tongue loll out!. Vocal exercises are also useful!. Anything you do to limber up your tongue and lips, or to bring up deep, resonant sounds from your diaphragm, will help to relax you face and throat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do LOTS of singing warm - ups to not only warm up your vocal cords but also your face too!. Singing and acting requires a lot of work from your facial muscles believe it or not!. Yawning a lot helps, or chewing a little gum before a rehearsal!. Another exercise I've found that works is doing the alphabet and when you mouth the letters make them as big and obvious as possible!. !. It makes your face feel ticklish but I find it helps with any jaw or face tension and gets you prepared to perform!Www@QuestionHome@Com

by doing what actors are supposed to do on stage and that is forget about themselves and what people might think of them, and concentrate on reacting to the stimuli of the scene moment by moment!. You could try some yoga relaxation exercises before going on stage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just keep breathing n be the person ure acting!.!.theyre not u so u shouldnt be afraid!.real actors r the person they portray!. practice in front of a mirror and in front of family n frenz!.!.!.dont think of ppl ure performing to!. ure frenz are in the audience supporting u so dont be afraid!.!.!.!.good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just have fun with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com