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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> And good suggestions from monologues?

Question: And good suggestions from monologues!?
I have to do some for some college auditions and for juries at my school!. I go to an arts school and I'm in the theater program so juries are like, our final exams!. Thanks for any ideas!. Oh and please leave the title and author and play if you can!. No film or tv monologues!.!.!.we cant do those haha!. Ok thanks again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
oh gosh well you could try whysanity!.com We usually go there for our class but they have film and tv and i'm not sure about regular ones!. You could google it thoWww@QuestionHome@Com

A great one is Hamlet's advice on acting ("Speak the speech, I pray you"), though it's not a pure monologue as there are a couple reaction lines interspersed!.

Truly--or should I say verily--you can never go wrong with Hamlet!.

It's a real shame you can't do film monologues because there's a terrific option from John Sayles' Passion Fish, also about acting (coincidentally)!. The first line of it is "I never asked for the anal probe!." That would be a fantastic one for getting into a theater program because it's about surviving in show business!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok go to my profile i dont think its set to private and go to my !? and i have alot of good monologues that i got answers for! omg it is so cool u got to an acting school where how did u get in how old do u have to be!?!?!?!!!!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com