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Question: How can I find out what my brand would be as an actress!?
Just would like to know where I can find info and insight on how to figure out my brand for marketing myself!.!.!. thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you mean your "type"!. All non-famous actors are typed by agents, casting directors, directors, etc becuase it helps separate them out!.
So, you're right - it is very useful to know your type and be that best type you can be
One of the best ways to figure out your type is looking at past roles you've gotten!. Do you tend to get villians!? The good girl!? The sex bomb!? The funny one!? If you see a pattern in your previous roles, that will help immensely because you're obviously giving off some sort of vibe in a particular direction!.

Other ways to find out is by asking strangers!. A friend of mine took a beginning acting class where they had a questionnaire with things like "How old does this person look!?", "What do you think their occupation is!?" and "What adjectives would you use to describe this person"!. Then you go with a friend to a place like a mall and have your friend approach people, point to you and ask them to fill out the questionnaire!. The reason you have a friend do it is so the people you're asking feel more comfortable in giving honest answers!.

Typing is a strange phenomenon in the acting biz, but one that makes a lot of sense from a business perspective when your dealing with literally hundreds of submissions per day (LA and NYC)!. As an agent, you only need so many perky brunette types or blonde young-mom types!. Agents need a diversity of actors on their books so when the receive breakdowns for projects, they have options!.

So, back to the question!. If you're just starting out and aren't in a major market like LA or NY, I wouldn't worry about typing quite yet!. It IS a very useful marketing tool, but not one that you will need to use until you're ready to begin competing against the masses and NEED to set yourself apart!.
If you're a beginner and auditioning for community theatre, one of the nice things about that you have the opportunity to play a variety of roles!. You can really get some meaty parts to add to your resume and will give you a great expereince!. Once you leave the amateur world, you won't have these opportunities for a while, so really take advantage of these training years to stretch yourself and your abilities!.

Oh, also, just a note!. Check your bookstore!. There are many books on acting and the business of actors!. In fact, there's a great one by Bonnie Gillespie (she writes for Backstage) called Self-Marketing for Actors!. Check it out!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Although film director Alfred Hitchcock once said that actors were like cattle, I don't think he ever mentioned the idea of branding them!.

Who do you imagine would be shopping for you as a product!? Agents!? Producers!? Wandering directors!?
Actors don't get chosen like canned goods or breakfast cereals, by trademarks, brands or slogans!.
Depend on your abilities, your skills, your personality, your brains and perseverance to do your marketing for you!. Anything else is a gimmick, and people looking for true talent tend to ignore or dismiss gimmicks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Say what!? You don't need a brand!. That ain't how its done!. Get a copy of Brian O'Neil's book, "Acting as a Business!." Do not pay anyone to analyze your brand, etc!. for marketing yourself!. It really is much better if you become a good enough actor to get a talent agent to represent you!. They do marketing for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well I would need to see a pic of you a discription of your wordrobe and personality to know for sure what brand you are like I am a tomboyish smart a** kind of brand like Juno because I look the part and deffinitly act the part lol just find it in yourself like the mean girl, girl next door, nerd, smart but sexy etc!. the list of brands goes on and onWww@QuestionHome@Com