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Question: How do I get involved in acting!?
I really want to get involved in acting as an actress!. Does anyone know of a cheap way to do so!? Where can I go for an audition!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Training!. Acting/Dancing/Singing classes are a good start!. You start to get some talent under your belt, and grow your confidence!. Plus, if after about a year of classes if you realize you really don't like it, it'll be easier for you to back out!.

2!. Experience!. Do Community Theater, act in your school play, get in some student films, etc!. You'll want to do as many productions as possible to have a great resume!.

3!. Agent!. http://www!.soyouwanna!.com/site/syws/tale!.!.!.

As you can see, you're going to need to spend at least two years (At the VERY least!. Usually you'll need three to four!.) building yourself up!. You'll want to make sure this is what you really want to do before you start getting into this!.

also, you should NEVER have to pay for anything when it comes to getting an agent!. If an agent tells you to take special classes from them or a website asks for a credit card number, that is a red flag that it is a scam!. Some of the big scammers out there are: John Robert Powers, Millie Lewis, John Casablancas, Model Look, Barbizon!.

Hope this helps you and I hope you go on to have a fantastic career!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hm!.!.!. do you want like acting on a stage or film acting!?
For film acting you need casting calls!. Lots of people come to these and you probably won't get in even if you're super talented, just because there are SOO many!. You need an agent to help you with acting jobs and usually some sort of connection to the director ( like maybe your father worked with him etc!.) Film Acting is a lot of pressure on the actor's part and it's a difficult and often disappointing job!.
Now Stage acting on the other hand you need many more skills but you're not competing against tons of little "Hannah Montana" wannabes!. The audition process can be grueling and saddening but very rewarding!. You'll need a monologue a script, a big smile, and confidence for your audition!. Go to your local theatre or just google theatres in your area and I'm sure you'll find plenty of opprotunities!. School plays can also be considered as a good, cheap, option, and they often offer transportation to and from practices and rehearsals!. I also suggest that you get a private voice coach who is professionally trained in singing, and join a choir just for the experience and to adjust to the singing atmosphere!. Start taking an acting class/ workshop to work on skills like improvisation, facial expressions etc!. The last thing I would suggest is taking a dance class as dance is a huge aspect in musical theatre!. You should take jazz, tap, ballet, hip-hop or anything else of your choosing!.
Good Luck and happy acting career! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Before you go to auditions!. you need to start by doing acting classes and acting workshops and get a feel for it, just so you can see if you really want to do it or not!. If you like it, keep doing the classes and eventually you will be able to take it to the next level and find some auditions! Look in your community, do community theater, school plays, student films, and even local commercials!. do any thing that's available to you right now!. Once you get enough credits, get a head shot, start up a resume (don't lie), and a cover letter and get yourself an agent!. Agents don't cost anything, and they help you get auditions that aren't typically open to the public!

Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since you are at the very, very beginning why don't you just start by taking an acting class!? That way you will see if you like it and if you have the talent for it like TheatreDoc said!.

One of the reasons why a lot of aspiring actors don't end up having any kind of acting career to amount to anything is because many think that the very first things they should do after they decide they want to get involved in acting is to get pictures taken and send them out to agents!.

Unless you are a natural, extraordinary talent, can find a way to get yourself noticed above your competition (in other words make yourself stand out), have a truely original and interesting look (not just beauty, because beautiful girls are easy to find and usually come out to become actresses in great numbers), have some incredible contacts and maybe an ounce of luck, statistics say that you will need to take another route to arrive at your destination of becoming a WORKING actress!. Working actress means that you can actually make a living doing only that!.!.!.if that's what you want!.

At any rate, have a look at this page on my site for new and aspiring actors!. It has a list of links to pages that talk about different aspects of starting an acting career!. http://www!.actingcareerstartup!.com/teen_!.!.!.

Good luck!


well it depends on what type of acting you want to do
stage acting or film acting!.
if you want to do stage acting (which i ultimately prefer) just join any community theatre!. everything is usually free and it only cost you time!.
if you want to do film acting, find an agent but make sure they are legit!. and NEVER EVER give them money upfront unless you are paying for a class or pictures!. if they think you are good enough they find you work and they get a percentage of that money!.

it is always a great idea to take classes in any field!. especially for film!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First you had better find out if you can act!. So try out for school and community plays!. Then if you are really really good at it, you can go on to look at a career!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ask around!. Find a theater that is near you!.
Or google your city, town and type in Theater or acting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go to colledge and major in acting or somthing!. Or look around for acting classes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com