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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I'm in a play and I need to learn how to stutter. I'm having problems ma

Question: I'm in a play and I need to learn how to stutter!. I'm having problems making it look at sound authentic!. Tips!?
Right now i'm either saying B--b--but or mouthing it and then just pushing it out after a few beats!.!.but its not really working!.!.!.I want to make it belivable and noticable but not let it take away from the play by making people wait too long to hear the line!.!.!.I just would like to know how an actually stutter is heard and seen!. Thanks!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Go to www!.stutteringhelp!.org and watch their online videos!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

practice looking flustered or frustrated!. Start out sounding somewhat normal but that it kind of slips in!. After a couple of attempts to speak properly begin to show more and more frustration!. If you have a lot of lines and it is necessary to keep going try to look a little dejected as you finish, as if it were a shameful personal failing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Calm down and take it easy!. You'll do fine!. Im having a play to do as well and i know i might screw up but if you feel confident that you can do it then you can!. Take a deep breath and start all over!. Dont worry about the world just say those lines with the emotions and you'll be fine :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

you could try to say it like a phrase but
in between if you could just put um uh or sudden pauses
or even dont look at te person who your directing
your statment to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com