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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What is Genoveva about?

Question: What is Genoveva about!?
its an opera does any one know the story line!? i was interested in watching it spanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's by Schumann - as far as I know his only completed opera!. The plot's rather similar to Wagner's Lohengrin, which is maybe why Wagner was fairly rude about it!.

It's set in the 8th century!. Genoveva is the wife of Siegfried, Count of Brabant, who goes off on a crusade!. While he's away his steward, Golo, tries to seduce Genoveva!. She repels him, so he frames her for adultery with another servant!. News of this reaches the Count, who orders his wife put to death!. But at the last moment (surprise, surprise) the truth comes out, husband and wife are reunited and Golo is sentenced to death!.

The opera doesn't get performed too often, but I think there've been one or two recordings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com