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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> From the show Wicked, what is this quote supposed to mean?

Question: From the show Wicked, what is this quote supposed to mean!?
Like a ship blown from its mooring by a wind off the sea!. Like a seed dropped by a sky bird in a distant wood!.” (what is comparing too) from the song For GoodWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Like a ship blown from its mooring by a wind off the sea!.!.!."

Mooring is like when a ship is docked, and in this like the wind is HELPING the ship dock!.

"Like a seed dropped by a sky bird in a distant wood!.!.!."

The bird helped the seed be planted!.

Because Elphaba met Glinda, she's changed FOR GOOD!. Glinda has helped Elphaba changed like the wind helped the ship dock or the bird helped the seed plant!.

It's quite hard to describe actually, but I hope I helped!

Jane MarieWww@QuestionHome@Com

The quote you gave refers to a deep change caused by something else!.

A ship is moved from where it is anchored due to wind blowing its sails, so its position is changed!. A seed is picked up by a bird, but lost while flying over the woods and grows into something!.

Elphaba and Glinda both changed each other!. They helped to determine who they were and so the positions they took and what they became!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Elphaba is the ship, Glinda is the wind!. Elphie is the seed, Glinda the bird!. Glinda pulled Elphie out of her safe zone into a 'distant wood!.'Www@QuestionHome@Com