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Question: Confidence check!?
i am a very confident person but when it comes to drama and dance (which i both love) i feel really hot and my heart starts to race!.!.!.apparently i have stage fright!.!.!.its not that im scared of the stage and performing!.!.!.its just that i want people to like it!.!.!.how can i feel more confident and stop the weird feelings i get on stage!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You're normal; everybody gets butterflies before performing (in any capacity)!.

Deep breaths, calming visualization can work to deal with the immediate physical manifestations!.

You could try to trick your brain: What are the physical things that happen to you when you're really excited about doing something!? Heart races, get shaky, shortness of breath!. OK, what are the physical things that happen when you're scared!? Heart races, get shaky, shortness of breath!.

So instead of telling yourself "I'm really scared," try saying "I'm really excited!"

also, you become what you pretend to be!. Play the role of someone who is very confident, and you'll find yourself feeling that way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually you'll always be nervous before you get on stage!. It's a normal thing!. It's great, except if you're shaking noticeably or sweating, which could put you off and ruin a performance!.

But usually if you have any of those hardcore symptoms, they'll disappear a few moments after you get comfortable on stage!. With experience, you'll know what to expect and how to deal with it, but even the most experienced actors get a few butterflies in their stomachs before performing!. Seriously!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ive been doing acting since I was little, and it seems that as I get older it gets worse! That feeling of butterflies makes me nervous too, but when i get on that stage and perform i seem to calm down!. I always tell myself that im not scared-im just really excited!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You don't want to stop that feeling of adrealin! Thats what makes a person full of energy and thats what you want!. Stage fright is a good thing if used in a controlled way!Www@QuestionHome@Com