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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Is Stagecoach worth joining?

Question: Is Stagecoach worth joining!?
I'm sure I would be allowed to join, and I think I could invest my time in it, but I need some background info, thanks !Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Stagecoach is brilliant, but it costs a lot of money - mine is a little over £300 a term, and you will only get good parts if you have been there for at least a year!. To get the most out of it, you would have to join the Stagecoach Agency!. For this you have to audition, but it is worth it as they often do things for big films (harry potter) and major theatrical events (Sound of Music, HSM)!.
also remember that it will take up 3 hours of your time each week!.
It may be an idea to check if there are any other theatre schools in your area, as these would probably be a lot cheaper!
XxX Joanna XxXWww@QuestionHome@Com