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Question: Midsummers night dream play!?
My class is doing a play on Midsummers Night dream!. Nothing fancy or WOW! But we need ideas for costumes for: Puck, Titania, 4 Fairies, Oberon and Bottom!. Simple of corse!. We will also be doing the play outside, so ideas for props and stuff would be nice!. Thanx in advance!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Play around with what the fairies themes can be, do you want to make them mystical or rock and roll!?!? It could be an idea to have puck dressed quite punky as he/she is supposed to be quite mischeivious! It also is quite simple to do as I'm sure someone will have punky clothes or you should be able to get them cheap at Primark or something!.

As for Bottom, as a mechanical he can just be quite down to earth, almost builder-like, so simple jeans and t-shirt should do, just make sure you have somesort of ears to put on him for an ***!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, you can find inexpensive clothing at any thrift store and have a creative person in your group make the costumes!.
I've done a lot of plays that way and they turned out beautiful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You need to decide what time period you want the play to be!. It can be set in a modern age, or in the Elizabethan age, or somewhere in between!. Then go from there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

for shoes go to www!.zappos!.com all theater co!. use them!.
For cosumes, you can go to your local thrift store,
Or rent some from a cosume shop, or sometime your local theater's have costumes for rent!.
Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com