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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Headshot? Please help!?

Question: Headshot!? Please help!!?
So, I'm auditioning for the Sound of Music tomorrow, and I'm using this pic as my headshot:


Yes, l realize it's a really bad picture to be using!. (This is my first real audtion, and my dad wouldn't shell out $250 for me to get a headshot!. Since he wouldn't even help me take a decent picture, this was the best I could do!.) My question is - Would it help any if it were in black and white!? Most of the headshots I have ever seen were in black and white!.

I really want to get this role and I hope that my performance will make up for my having a bad headshot!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is a horrible picture!. You don't need a $250 headshot, you just need a good digital photo that looks like you!. These days head shots are in color!. So why do you even need a headshot for this audition!? You need a resume, also!? I;m glad your dad has some common sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh dear this is truely horrid!. Don't use it!. You would be better off having a friend take a picture of you head on in front of a blank wall, crop it to head and shoulders at a Kodak kiosk, make it black and white and print at an 8x10 size - will cost you maybe $3!. Seriously - you will NOT get the part, based on the photo alone!. You would actually be better off not having a photo!. Sorry, but true!. also wear a PLAIN shirt - white or black and NO jewelry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

is there a timer on your camera!? maybe you could have a friends take it!.!.the point of a headshot is to see you straight on so the director can match their notes of your audition to your face!.!.!.if theres a timer on your camera, set it on a shelf and stand in front of a solid color wall and SMILE! thats the biggest part of a headshot you need to have!. if not, have a friend take it, and also it doesnt matter if its in black and white!.!.some professionals do that, but it certainly doesnt have to be! color shows off your lovely skin tone and hair color that a black and white portrait cant do for you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It would be best if you took another photo!. Have a friend take it for you!.!.!.or use the timer & a tripod!.!.at the very least set the camera on something & use the timer!. Just DON"T hold the camera out in front of you to take the photo!.!.!.!.totally unprofessional! Select a spot with a blank wall behind you!.!.!.or hang up a sheet behind you, and take the picture straight on, not your profile!. You can set you camera to Black & White or use a photo editor to convert to B&W if you prefer that over color!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good lord, do you have any friends with digital cameras who can get a straight-on head shot!?

Yes, B&W would be more industry standard, tho' not essential!.

If you can't get a friend to do a new shot, can you photoshop this one and crop it down to where it's just your head, not all that other body and background!? And turn it B&W!? That would be better, IMO!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What they said, and!.!.!.lighting!. Flash off a point & shoot looks worse than amateurish!. Try and get a natural light shot!. And headshot is just that!.!.!.HEAD shot!. Leave the body out of it, like this:


This is not a good picture to use!. Either have someone take a front on picture of you or set your timer on the camera and take a different picture!. This will not impress anyone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no!. that really isn't even a headshot!.!.!.!. is there no way you can just take a frontal shot yourself!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Really Bad Headhsot!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try and take a different picture!. That one wont do you any good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com