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Question: What is a really great, emotional monologue!?
I have my last theatre final coming up, and it's a 3 minute monologue!. I need suggestions for a good, very emotionally impacting/passionate one from a PUBLISHED play, preferrably with a link to it!. My believable age range is about 16 to 25, though it doesn't really need to fit into that!.

Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Who's afraid of Virginia Wolf, almost anything from that playWww@QuestionHome@Com

this is from annie get your gun when annie thinks frank is coming to sweep her off her feet:
Annie “Shore I’ll talk t’ him! I’ll say, “What d’ya want around here, ya big, swollen headed stiff!?” An’ he’ll say, “I jes’ come out t’ meet ya, honey!.” An I’ll say, “Don’t honey me! Ya thought I double-crossed ya, that I was tryin’ t’ show ya up! Why did ya leave that-a-way!? Why didn’t ya write!?” An’ that’s when he’ll say, “Cuz I was too ‘shamed!. ‘Sides, not writin’ don’t mean somebody don’t love somebody! I been eatin’ my heart out for ya, honey – cain’t work, cain’t sleep…” (she starts to soften) And then I reckon I’m gonna hafter say, “I ain’t been sleepin’ a whole lot, neither, Frank!.” (she melts even more) An then he’ll say, “Annie, we both jes’ gotta git some sleep!” An’ then he’ll add on, ‘cuz he ain’t through yet, “Oh, Annie, I love ya so!.” An’ then I reckon I won’t be able t’ stop myself from sayin’, “I love ya too, Frank!.”

here are how the charecters act
Annie Oakley – a backwoods person with an accent who gets more civilized as show goes on, great singer (belt), tons of personality, feisty, falls for Frank

Frank Butler – leading man (lots of singing), conceited, smooth, ends up with Annie

good luck!!!!!!
-xoxo kathy ( theater freak)Www@QuestionHome@Com