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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Whats your opinion on this video? (breakfast breaks)?

Question: Whats your opinion on this video!? (breakfast breaks)!?
This is my Breakfast Break video for a contest!. It has a pretty wicked price which is to be in a commercial with the Jonas Brothers!. Please dont tell me they suck because I know a lot of you think they do, but I just want your opinion on this video!. They asked for originality, creativity and quality!. Any criticism is welcome :]

My friends think is good, but i need the opinion of someone i dont know so i know they are being honest!. Thankyou in advance :] and here is the link:::


i'd greatly appreciate your feedback!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i thought that it was a really nice video! it was funny and very original!. i absolutely LOVE the jonas brothers & i also entered the contest but i havent seen my video posted (yet) i was wondering how long it took you after you entered yours for it to be postedWww@QuestionHome@Com