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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How difficult is it to play the part of Romeo in Romeo and Juliet? (Compared to.

Question: How difficult is it to play the part of Romeo in Romeo and Juliet!? (Compared to!.!.!.)!?
In the past year I have delved into theatre and taken part in two plays:
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, where I played Chief Bromden (Don't judge it from the movie, he plays a much more important and verbal part in the play, and is one of the 4 primary characters)
- Macbeth, where I played Macbeth
The director seemed to like me a lot, although I was often a blocking/facing nightmare (inexperience), my on-stage vocal quality was very good and I can do a lot of different voices at different volumes!. I was complimented on the level of 'realism' I brought to the characters each time, though I have a feeling that isn't always what people are looking for on stage!.
I enjoyed getting in character each time I did these plays!.
I was invited to audition for Romeo and Juliet this weekend, and it was suggested that I would make a good Romeo in the play (I would be one of the youngest)!. I don't know the part very well, and I'm going to look it over, but compared to say, Macbeth, is it difficult!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Romeo will probably be a much easier character to play than Macbeth, as his thoughts and emotions are much less complex than those of Macbeth!. It is much easier to identify with Romeo, as everyone experiences young love and teenage angst, whereas not everyone experiences killing another human being and the guilt that comes with it! I'd say Romeo is a pretty easy part to play, as long as you are committed to learning your lines, and you are comfortable with the kissing/closeness you'd have to be involved in with the actress playing Juliet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Macbeth is the more difficult role!. Romeo frankly doesn't have the depth of emotions of Macbeth!. He is a callow youth who finds himself in an intolerable situation and does something rash and stupid, then does something even dumber!.!.!. All for a fourteen year old girl!.Www@QuestionHome@Com