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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I just started a drama club to improve my confidence but now i feel frightened b

Question: I just started a drama club to improve my confidence but now i feel frightened because I'm really shy ;(!?
My friend wanted me to go with her to this drama club, so I decided to go so i could improve my confidence, but because I'm the new person and I'm so shy it makes it harder for me to go each week!. At the moment we are acting this play out, and im really petrified of going but I know it will help me in the future!. Can anyone suggest what I should do!? :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Don't worry!. I am a shy actress too, but I can't let the fact that I'm shy and a little quieter than others affect the way that I perform!. Many sucessful actors and actresses actually have a shy disposition!. Theatre is very beneficial to shyness!. Counselours recommend theatre for those people that need to just break out of their shells!. I like to think of it this way!. Theatre lets us be someone other then ourselves, right!? So we no longer have to be this shy girl, but we can be this bubbly blonde talkative girl, or any other character like that!. You don't have to be yourself!. You get to take a walk in someone else's shoes and that's quite an experience!. That's why I love theatre and acting so much! And you shouldn't quit drama club! I'm sure that it's a great opprotunity for you and you should keep trying!. Stage fright only eases with time and experience in the arts!. I used to be a petrified shy girl who was afraid of the spotlight!. But now I'm a shining example of a performer, who can't wait to get up on that stage and sing my heart out!
I know that you can do this, I'm sure that you'll do fine! Keep at it and you'll be glad that you did !

Well done for actually going; I'm really shy aswell but quite enjoy acting when its with people that I know!. I always say I'm going to join a drama club but don't, so it's good that you actually have joined!. It WILL probably be a little bit scary, but that's why you're going, isn't it!? Just ask yourself: would you rather a few people at your drama club think you're shy or go on with your life with everyone you meet thinking you're shy!? Because if you keep going to this drama club, your confidence in general is bound to improve!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know how you feel I was once really shy to and I still am sort of but I'm also an actress!. I don't know about you but for me I was afraid of rejection but then I realized that people will make fun of me(if they even do) if I suck at acting!. If I go all out people will be like "wow she's good!." So just believe that you can do it and nobody is going to stop you from anything! Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a really shy person!.
The more you go this club, the more your confidence will increase!. - This was verified by some boffins who studied this!.
Just think that everyone has been in your situation!.
Put your head high, say to yourself that you are a brilliant person and everyone else will think the same!.


Stick with it and share your concerns with the more experienced students!. A lot of them will have been in the same place!. Eventually, the nervousness that you feel before performing will get addicting!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

the more you do something-the more chance you will overcome the nerves---you could also try eft technique!.lots of people say it works for themWww@QuestionHome@Com

you must have confidence anyway as you actually started going to the drama club!

keep going and maybe talk to the other people that go more; they were probably scared at first too =)Www@QuestionHome@Com