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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I am a beginner and THIS is my resume???

Question: I am a beginner and THIS is my resume!?!?!?
IS IT GOOD ENOUGH!?!?/ ANY ADVICE TO MAKE IT LOOK BETTER, REMEMBER I AM A BEGGINNER, Im going to start filling up experience but other than that!.!.!.Any Advice

Adonis Peralta
~Non Union~

Acting Objectives:
Tv Shows

Acting: (Film, Television, Shakespeare, Theatre Movement, Improvisation)-Daniel Carlton

Special Skills & Talent:
Baseball, Basketball, Football, Bilingual, Computer Skills,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You don't generally put "Acting Objectives"

also, you need to add a phone number, I'd use your parent's cell phone!. Do not all a home address and home phone as someone else suggested as that can be dangerous! To stretch your resume, you cal list each type of class seperately!. If your teacher had anyone else come in to teach list that person on some of the classes just to mix it up!. Instead of bilingual maybe put fluent in French or whatever language you speak!.

You should list your theatre experience, student film, anything you've done under each category heading (FILM, TELEVISION) Do not list commercials!. You put the heading, then type - list available upon request!. If you've done any and you list them on your resume then CD's may see potential conflicts and not bother to call you in!.

good luck,

Mz Shortay (what ever her name is) is wrong!. You do need to say what you hair color and eye color are, and make sure that your are very specific on your weight and height number (don't say your 100 pounds when you're really 110: don't say you're 6 feet when you're really 5'8") doing these things can annoy the casting crew or agent and make you seem unprofessional!.

Take out the acting objectives, i have a feeling that you did this just to take up space, it's pretty much useless, because what if you try out for a theater production!? you'll look pretty stupid, sorry but true!. In training put the location and take out the stuff in the parenthesis (another space filler)!.

Bilingual (in what!?!?!?) add specifics, and only put it if your are FLUENT in the language!. Computer skills, take it out because the industry can always fake it!

All in all thing is an OK beginners resume, good for amateur theater and local commercials, but for feature films!? you can work on that!.

Best of Luck! keep adding to your resume!Www@QuestionHome@Com


Yes, for amateur productions (ie!. community theater, student films etc!.) this resume will suffice!. However I would suggest taking out your "Acting Objectives", although interesting objectives are not important to have on a resume!. The top part of your resume can be labeled "Personal" or "Statistics", you should include your date of birth and age (playing age if you'd like)!. List any shows or films etc!. you've done under "Experience", that is a portion on your resume that should be included, even if you've been in a limited amount of productions!. also be sure to list your phone number along with your e-mail!.

Overall the resume you typed up looks quite good, *break a leg*! Hope this helped :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Special skills!.!.!.this includes playing the national anthem on your armpit!.!.!.juggling!.!.!.can touch nose with tongue!.!.!.rollerskating!.!.!.balloon animals!.!.!.can cross eyes, etc!.

Bilingual!.!.!.what language!?

What type of acting job can computer skills get you!? Not needed!.

Do you have a head shot!? Should be included, or even better have resume typed on back of headshot!.

Who is Daniel Carlton!? Do not assume that everyone knows who he is!.!.!.I had to Google the name and it still means nothing!.

Have you ever acted in anything!? That should be listed!. Even if it was the part of a tree in your cub scout variety show!.

PS: you are unhealthy skinny!.!.!.just a judgement on seeing your height and weight!. UNHEALTHY SKINNY! Please gain some weight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You don't have to say that you're non-union!. If you were a SAG, AFTRA, or Equity member, you'd put that on your resume!. If you don't mention any union affiliation, they'll take it for granted that you're non-union!.

You don't have to list an age range on your resume!.

If you're bilingual, you should specify which two languages !.

Theatre & Acting's advice is good, and Mz Shortay's is bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good enough for what!? Broadway!? No!. Any professional job!? No!. You're a beginner and will be auditioning for for amateur productions!. You don't really need a resume!.!.!.is this for something specific!?

Take a look at this actress's online resume for a guide - http://www!.nafeesamonroe!.com/custom2!.htm!.!.!.

Here's a template: http://www!.theatrelab!.org/forms/RenatoFo!.!.!.

Take out the Acting Objectives!.

Didn't you post this not too long ago!?!?

also, if you're a minor, you should put your actual birthday on your resume, not your age range!.

** Ignore the above posters advice - hair color, eye color, height and weight are all standard and NEVER put your home addres on your resume!. It's not needed!. The only need to be able to contact you, which means your phone number and email!.

Ok, why are you so concerned about it being "good enough" for anateur productions, student films, etc!? Just audition for those!. To be honest, no, right now your resume is not going to impress anyone!. You're just starting out, of course you don't have a "real" resume and the types of places you'll be auditioning won't really expect you to! Don't worry about it, just audition all ready!Www@QuestionHome@Com

How can acting be you life if you have never done any acting!. It would be far better to find out if you are any good at it by being in some plays at school or in the community before taking lessons!. Ps!. Your resume stinks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you dont need to put your hair color, eye color, height and your weight at all!. but you should put your name, address, phone number and email address in that order on the top center of the page!. everything else looks good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

include what all you have been it who it was choreographed by and the directors name!. You do this so they can look back on previous things to see you when you are performing!