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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Passage from Macbeth? Act 5 scene 7?

Question: Passage from Macbeth!? Act 5 scene 7!?
I cannot strike at wretched kerns, whose arms
Are hired to bear their staves: either thou, Macbeth,
Or else my sword with an unbatter'd edge
I sheathe again undeeded!. There thou shouldst be;
By this great clatter, one of greatest note
Seems bruited!. Let me find him, fortune!
And more I beg not!.

I don't understand what it means, can someone help me!? It is Macduff speaking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Kerns means "soldiers"!. The word is obsolete!.

There is a website called "No Fear Shakespeare" that translates the passages into adaptations!.

I can't be bothered to fight these lame soldiers who only fight for money!. I'll either fight you, Macbeth, or else I'll put down my sword unused!. You must be over there!. By the great noise, it sounds like one of the highest-ranking men is being announced!. I hope I find him! I ask for nothing more than that!.

This is more than a word for word translation to modern English!. For instance "whose arms Are hired to bear their staves" literally means "their physical arms are hired to carry wooden staffs" but the adaptation says "who only fight for money"!. So there is a lot of interpretation!.

I would use the site to understand difficult passages, but it completely destroys the poetry of the original work!. Don't skip reading the original entirely!.Www@QuestionHome@Com