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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Where can i find acting jobs for girls ages 12-13?

Question: Where can i find acting jobs for girls ages 12-13!?
I really need some acting jobs I want to be a job and I think I am a good singer I have so much passion for acting and singing, but I live in an extremely small town with only 3400 people or maybe even less than that I'm not for sure, please help!.!.!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I see you don't want someone telling it's not easy!? Ah well it is simple as that, start off with school related, and look into local (towns near by) competitions, such as singings, n plays!. Make local people notice you before agents and such, because then you'll get positive reneforcement and skills will incline when you have back up!. A good question to ask yourself, How much do you know about music n singing!. Acting is a whole diffrent thing, but look into joing forensics or starting a forensics team when you go to highschool or if your in it!. Forensics is Speech n Acting, and gives you good practice infront of and compete against other speakers n actors!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Even if your town isn't so big, you can still pursue your acting/singing career for now!. I would check with your local film commission (if you have one), and also try your church for any pageants or plays!. If you have a theatre, I'd audition there and take classes!. Eventually you could make a resume and get a headshot to submit to agents/casting directors around your town or in your state!. There may be more opportunities than you think!. Remember, you can always take video of yourself and your talents, then put them online!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Until you can move to a larger acting city like New York or California you're sort of out of luck!. Try out for school plays, get into your school's choir and wait until you're 18!. Then you can broaden your horizons with more opprotunities!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well get an agent and get headshots and send them into disney nick or whever and hope they want you to adution!.If u have anyother questions just askWww@QuestionHome@Com

If your parents are serious about you becoming an actor, you need a Talent Manger!.

The best Talent Managers are in New York City and Los Angeles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com