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Question: Music for show blithe spirit!?
I was wondering if anyone had some good music for background music!. I'm putting on the show Blithe Spirit, and its a lighthearted funny show, but dead people come back from the dead!. I needed some music to open the show with, and some that would be fun for during a seance, so sorta creepy, mystical music, with a bit of lightness so that its not too creepy and not taken too seriously!. So it can be cheesy scary music!. Anything at all, even if it may not completely fit my description since i know my description wasn't very good, its hard to explain what i'm looking for!.

Thanks so muchWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I wish I could remember what I used for preshow music for my production many many years ago!. But I don't think it is either creepy nor scarey in anyway!. Mystical, yes!. There is something by Saint-Saens, but I can't think of the name!. Keep it very very light and very, very fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com