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Question: Chicago Acting HELP!!!!!!?
I live in a suburb near chicago!. Im looking to do some work soon this summer and start NOW!. Im into musicals and plays and short films!. Anyone know someone or someplace I can start!? I go as far as naperville,LaGrange,Chicago,Downers Grove, Hinsdale,Darien, Batavia!. If anyone knows a person to contact!.!.a site to look at!.!.a place to go!.!.(adress)!.!.!.please help me on this!.!.looking for an agent here!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For theatre, look in your local papers at the live theatre listings and go to the websites for those theatres!. You should be able to find their auditions under 'jobs' or 'auditions' If you can't find the info, e-mail the theatre and ask where they post their audition listings!.

You can also try backstage!.com and do a casting search!. You will not be able to see all the info without paying but you may be able to see enough and get the rest on your own from the theatre's own website or by emailing them yourself!. They have listings for theatre, students films & indies, etc!.

There's also actorsaccess!.com!. It's free to get an account and see the auditions but if you submit electronically it's $2!.00!. If they accept hardcopies then you can mail it on your own however then it costs you postage, an envelope, & an headshot and resume so the cost isn't that bad!.!.!.

As for getting an agent, I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself!. You need a good amount of training and a decent resume before you go there or you'll be wasting your time and money!. You also will need to be able to commute to and from Chicago with little notice and no problem!. Through classes and working you should network with others and see who they are with!. Get referrals so you can use their name as an 'in' with the agents when you eventually do your submittions!.

You can also call local colleges with film departments and ask how their students cast their films!. You should get in on that!. You can also check websites for your state's film associations, commissions, etc!. They will sometimes have audition & class info!. Do a websearch for Illinois film and see what comes up!. Search the sites, look where it says jobs or auditions!.

good luck,

Do web searches of Community Theatres in those places, then call them and find out if they are doing anything you can participate in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com