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Question: How can you get into acting auditions!?
help i want to be an acres so badly but my mom woulnt pay a person to help me can any one do it for free and btw i am 13Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
None of us can give you any big time auditions, because:
1) They are kept on the *hush hush* and are usually given to those who have agents!.
2) My agent won't let me give auditions to you!.

What you need to do is go out into your community and just start there!. Do school plays, Talent shows!. Open Mic Night, Community Theater, local commercials, or student films (go to your local college and ask when auditions are)!. Get yourself used to the crowd!.
Meanwhile you need to get some experience (you won't get far without some), take Drama at your school, do classes outside of school, and do lots of workshops!.

When you get some credits, get a resume together and a head shot and go shopping for a head shot and resume! Don't get a professional head shot quite yet because they can be a little pricey and once you get an agent, they might want you to change your head shot for specific "Brand"!. Go to Sears for one!.!.!. or, better yet, go to a photography class and ask if they can practice head shot pictures on you, that way you both get something out of it, you get a head shot and they get more practice!

Now for the Agent, an agent shouldn't cost anything to you, they get a commission whenever you get a job (10-15%)!.
If they ask you for up front fees, or "classes" they are a scam!.
When you get an agent, don't think that it's over yet, because it's only just begun!.!.!. Your work load should be doubled because you have access to more auditions!. If you find that you're not working at all, then it's time to dump the agent and try for a new one! Remember to keep up with your classes and studies so you can keep your skills sharp!

Best of Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The only thing you should ever pay for as an actress is headshots!. They are pictures of you from the neck up taken by a professional photographer!. They cost at least $200 for a professional, but sometimes you can find someone who will do it cheaper, but it will be of less quality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can do this by looking online for local auditions for plays and musicals in your area!. There are also some camps (i think) that are great in acting and SOMETIMES have talent scouts!.!.!. You can also tryout for your school play, it is a lot of fun and is great experience!.!.!. just beware though, some auditions where they say it is for a TV show!.!.!. or an acting school!.!.!. and ask for your money (if you get in) immedietly!.!.!. dont do it!.!.!. it is a SCAM!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You won't learn acting for FREE on the internet!.!.!. you will need an acting teacher and you will need to devout all your spare time to learning the basics and practicing!.!.!. AND!.!.!. you will need TALENT to begin with and only you can know that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

NEVER pay to be in a audition!.
if you pay for it, its a scam!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

agents are free, you will have to pay for some photos and printing if you sign up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are publications in there, Like" Variety" Nothing is Free!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com